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Services for Non Residents

Osgan Consultants

Services for Non Residents


Non-Resident Individuals (NRIs) contribution to the India’s financial, social and economic condition is significant. Inward remittances by NRI either through remittances or investments augments the foreign exchange reserves of India and strengthen the national savings. The sheer size of the remittance enables not only in remittances but also transfer of technology, global best practices & knowledge. 


With the objective of facilitating the NRI and to promote their role in our economy, Indian Government has liberalized the regulatory and taxation mechanism to pave way for more economic growth. India’s strong economic growth has persuaded the Non-Resident Indians to invest in India in equity, debt or real estate. 


Gamut of laws, regulations and compliances needs a comprehensive advisory to comply with all the regulatory requirements. 


We provide the NRIs the following services:

  1. Expatriate Taxation/DTAA
  2. Investment in India: Listed Shares/Mutual Funds/SIP and repatriation
  3. Management/transfer of Immovable Assets situated in India
  4. Change in residential status compliances
  5. Person of Indian Origin (PIO) Cards
  6. NRI Returning bank to India (Sale Proceeds of outside India Sale)
  7. Student studying abroad
  8. Inheritance structure





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