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Market Entry Strategies

Osgan Consultants

Market Entry Strategies


India has been a land of opportunities with a business friendly policies and regulations. The country which houses more than 18% of the world population provides plethora of opportunities in sectors relating to healthcare, agriculture, real estate, textile, industrial automation etc. With the median age of 28 years and with rapid urbanisation, the population offers a huge scope for consumption opportunities.


India’s has consistently improved its ranking in Ease of Doing Business and is currently ranked at 63rd. India has started looking outwards and has initiated trade negotiations with developed countries making India not only a trade partner but also a preferred investment destination.


With numerous entities eyeing opportunities to invest in varied sectors in India, the primary issues faced by them is understanding the demographics and the consumers demand. Companies investing into India requires holistic opinion on the regulatory environment, taxation system and sector specific policies. The land of cultural, social and economic diversity requires support from a local expert to navigate the issues relating to market opportunities, expectations till the initial set up. So it is imperative to understand the nuances before making an investment into a new geographical area.


Companies also have an option to invest by finding a partner or through acquisition rather than a greenfield investment. Identification and negotiation with the partner require extensive know how of the nitty gritty of the Indian environment. Organisations leverage the technical know how of the existing companies and invest either through Merger & Acquisition or identify a distributor in India. With plethora of options, preparation of the market entry strategy of either going through a greenfield investment or finding a right partner in India requires considerable research and analysis. 


To address the issues concerning the investment into India, our team supports your organisation in developing a market strategy covering various aspects related to the feasibility study, market research, demand gap, due diligence, distribution search. The team takes a holistic approach in providing an opinion to ensure the product is fit for the market and your organisation is ready for India.





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