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Self Sealing Permission Consultant in India

Self Sealing Permission Consultant in Delhi NCR

Self Sealing Permission Consultant in Delhi NCR

Self Sealing Permission (Factory stuffing) involves loading and sealing goods into shipping containers at the production or manufacturing facility under the supervision of customs officials. This process helps to ensure security, minimize cargo handling, and reduce transportation costs.


Importance of Factory Stuffing Permission

Obtaining factory stuffing permission is essential for compliance with both international and local shipping regulations. It ensures that all procedures are overseen by customs authorities, which helps in speeding up the shipping process, reducing the risk of theft or damage, and avoiding delays at ports.

Circular No. 19/2018 was issued to streamline the procedure for sealing of containerized cargo at factories and warehouses. The circular aims to reduce procedural requirements and facilitate smoother export operations under the supervision of customs officials.

Key Provisions:

  • Self-Sealing Permission: Under this circular, the concept of “self-sealing” for export containers was introduced, allowing exporters with a good compliance record to self-seal their containers after stuffing, without the need for the physical presence of a customs officer. Exporters need to apply for self-sealing permission and adhere to specified security and documentation protocols.
  • Use of RFID Seals: The circular mandates the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tamper-proof seals on containers that are self-sealed. This technology helps customs track and monitor the movement of goods until they reach the port.
  • Streamlined Documentation: It emphasizes the need for accurate and timely submission of documents such as the shipping bill and e-way bill (if applicable) through the customs portal to ensure faster processing and clearance.
  • Supervision by Customs: For exporters not eligible for self-sealing, the circular details the process for obtaining permission for supervised factory stuffing. It outlines the responsibilities of customs officers in verifying the goods and sealing the containers.


Advantages of Factory Stuffing under Customs Law

Factory stuffing under the supervision of customs officers has several benefits:

  • Faster Clearance: By ensuring all formalities are completed at the origin, factory stuffing facilitates faster clearance of goods at the port of exit.
  • Cost Efficiency: It reduces transportation costs to centralized stuffing locations and minimizes handling charges.
  • Reduced Risk of Tampering: Sealing the containers at the factory reduces the risk of tampering and theft during transit to the port.

We, Osgan Consultants Private Limited in Delhi NCR India assist exporters in navigating the complexities of the Customs Act 1962 and allied laws by:


  • Facilitating Permissions: We help in obtaining the necessary permissions for factory stuffing from the customs authorities.
  • Ensuring Compliance: Our expertise ensures that all documentation and security requirements are met, making the customs inspection and sealing process smooth and efficient.


By aligning our services with the provisions of the Customs Act 1962 and allied regulations, we ensure that exporters can benefit from streamlined processes, reduced risks, and compliance with all legal requirements, making their export operations more efficient and secure.




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