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Legal Structuring

Osgan Consultants

Legal Structuring


To have a successful entry in the Indian market and create a growth story, a company has to evaluate various issues while initiating the setting up process. Key issues faced are:

  1. Legal Structure
  2. Location Selection
  3. Land Acquisition/leasing
  4. State Specific Policies
  5. Government Approvals
  6. Cost and Timelines


Different Kind Of Structures Of Corporations:

  • Private Limited Companies is a company which is privately held and the liability of the members is limited to the amount of shares respectively held by them. It is the mostly used business structure by entities incorporated in India.
  • Public Limited Companies is a company having limited liability but can offer shares to the general public. Public Limited Companies is a preferable option for businesses planning for large scale operations.
  • Limited Liability Partnership is a partnership in which the partners of the LLP have limited liability. This form of structure gives the benefits of limited liability of a company and the flexibility of a partnership.


In order to initiate the marketing of a product in India & understand the scope of expansion, multinational companies prefer to start off with a liaison office too.





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