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100% EOU Consultants

Osgan Consultants

100% EOU Consultants


Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs), Software Technology Parks(STPs) Scheme And Bio-Technology Parks (BTPs)

Units undertaking to export their entire production of goods and services (except permissible sales in DTA), may be set up under the Export Oriented Unit (EOU) Scheme, Electronics Hardware Technology Park (EHTP) Scheme, Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme or Bio-Technology Park (BTP) Scheme for manufacture of goods. Trading units are not covered under these schemes.EOU unit will procure the Capital Goods/Input Duty free .Services will be procured on payment of the service tax of which CENVAT can be availed. An EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP unit may export all kinds of goods and services except items that are prohibited in ITC (HS).


Procedure For Setting Up Of An EOU

  • For setting up an EOU, three copies of application as in ANF 6 A of Appendices & ANFs may be submitted to DC.
  • Applications for setting up units under EOU scheme shall be approved or rejected by Units Approval Committee within 15 days, as per criteria indicated in Appendix 6 A of Appendices & ANFs.
  • On approval, a Letter of Permission (LoP) / Letter of Intent (LoI) shall be issued by DC / designated officer to EOU/ EHTP / STP / BTP.


Application / Approval / Renewal Of Approval

For setting up an EOU, three copies of application as in ANF 6 A of Appendices & ANFs may be submitted to DC


Exits From EOU Scheme

  • With approval of DC, an EOU may opt out of scheme. Such exit shall be subject to payment of Excise and Customs duties and industrial policy in force.
  • If unit has not achieved obligations, it shall also be liable to penalty at the time of exit.





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